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The Slice: Coming soon: ‘Catch-43’

Those of you who do not follow me on Twitter, and by that I mean every person reading this, might not be aware that I have been chronicling life on the STA’s No. 43 bus this winter.

Well, at least on days when I don’t ride my bike to work.

Anyway, I bring this up because I think these tweets could be turned into a book. Unfortunately, no one else seems to share that view.

So let me ask you. Would you buy a rip-roaring nonfiction assemblage of 140-character quips about life, love and mass transportation?

Slice answer: “I’ve owned two boats,” wrote Jim Clanton. “The only problem a boat will solve is if you consider having extra money a problem. Owning a boat will absolutely guarantee that you have no extra money lying around.”

The birds and the bees and the guinea pigs: “Your column (Friday) regarding the need to find a home for two guinea pigs really touched home,” wrote Bridget Dagg.

“When our kids were young, a friend had to find a home for a guinea pig he could no longer care for. We took in Cosmo (named after the character in ‘Singin’ in the Rain,’ which was our son’s favorite movie at the time). Our daughter insisted Cosmo was lonely so, with the assurance of a pet store employee that the little rodent I purchased was indeed a male, Gizmo joined our family.

“Shortly thereafter, and following much denial about the possibility of a pregnancy, Gizmo gave birth to Hershey (male) and Nutmeg (female).

“Although we ended up with many more guinea pigs than we’d bargained for and had to invest in accommodations to keep the genders separate, we did enjoy the company of these sweet creatures for many years. Their excited vocalizations at the sound of us descending the stairs each evening to give them fresh lettuce will always be remembered.

“But if you don’t want to bring another generation into the world, make sure Ginger and Mary Ann are both really girls – and don’t get your advice from the pet store.”

Today’s Slice question: Is it fair to the other kids that some Girl Scout cookie salespersons are impossibly cute and poised?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email A canine breed called the newshound would have what distinguishing features?

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