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Support Cheney schools

I am the mother of two daughters in the Cheney School District. I’m writing in support of both the levy and bond measures proposed by the Cheney Public Schools. The levy funds people and programs within the district, and the bond funds renovation or construction of buildings.

The levy is a renewal of the Maintenance and Operations Levy that expires in 2015. Therefore, to maintain funding, it is time to renew for 2016, 2017 and 2018. This levy represents about 23 percent of the operating budget and maintains essential educational programs and activities for students.

Some ways you see the levy dollar spent are on additional teachers for K-12 class-size reduction, school counselors, instructional technology, music and fine arts programs, nutritional services programs, transportation, and textbooks and instructional materials.

Cheney School District is an amazing district and provides a quality education not only for my children but for thousands of other children. Please continue to support our community and vote yes by Feb. 10. Let’s make sure to keep Cheney Schools moving forward and help to support the growth in our community.

Jennifer Darvis


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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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