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Media manipulating story

Spokane is in the news again. It’s the terrifying case of Rachel Dolezal, the black/white girl. What a national kerfuffle.

Problem: Nothing happened. Dolezal went to work for the NAACP, which is primarily, but not always, associated with helping black people struggle against the constant, venomous racism of American culture. So what? Who cares about her race?

But I forgot. This is America, where so many of our first impressions are based on skin color. Racism has been co-opted by corporations and big business to give the masses something to focus on that isn’t the incredible malfeasance of exactly those corporations and big businesses. Believing everything reported in the news about minorities will make one a pathetic imitation of an informed American.

Ask yourself: Why has this turned into such a big deal? Because the giant corporate masters of American media sniffed out an opportunity to rile up a bunch of people and stoke outrage over some phony clash of ideals. Thank CNN and ABC and the New York Times and the other Big 6 media pre-digestion vats for getting you mad about this.

This is only a “thing” because somebody is manipulating you into thinking it is.

Nancy Runyan


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