Listen to Bibi on Iran
Kudos for publishing two conflicting pieces, by Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank (March 5) and Gonzaga University School of Law Professor Upendra Dev Acharya (March 7), on the Iran nuclear arms negotiations. Readers can judge which makes more sense: specific points of contention of a secret deal with a terrorist-organizing theocracy, or a repeated administration-led litany of personal attacks on an ally’s prime minister.
My questions, to the Democrats, are: If the deal with Iran is so great, why react so viscerally to the House speaker’s invitation? You foolishly created this diplomatic flap instead of bringing Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu in and exerting more pressure on the mullahs.
Given their history of taking down our embassy, squelching democracy, ignoring U.N. inspection mandates and funding terrorism, what makes you think they are a reliable negotiating “partner”? Given the Israeli’s success with destroying (with tacit American approval and relief) Iraq’s and Syria’s nuclear reactors, what makes you think Kerry can get a better deal? Even our own president stated previously that “a bad deal is worse than no deal.”
Joseph Harari