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Malek calls out bully

The May 17 Spokesman-Review guest opinion by Rep. Luke Malek of the 4th Idaho Legislative District was spot-on. This is a must-read for all citizens.

Serving his second term in the House, he must feel very comfortable to have produced such a scathing attack on the so-called nonpartisan government watch group named “Freedom Foundation.” This group hypocritically abuses the word “freedom.”

The meaning of freedom in the United States rightfully carries a lot of weight. The result of many hard-fought battles for souls, land and love. It means self-rule, of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

In his letter, Malek firmly and completely unmasked this shady group for what they are: bullies. Using money and fear to “hold policymakers hostage,” his words. Manipulating a legislator’s power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint cannot be tolerated.

The delicate, complicated balance of just enough government should not be held in bondage by groups that have a reckless, twisted understanding of governance, costing taxpayers $40,000 for this last interference.

Let’s liberate our legislators from the confinement this foundation has forced upon them. Freedom from fear-mongering. Let’s say “no” to the bully.

Stuart Smith


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