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Biel has new perspective

Your vote is vital. The primary turnout was abysmal: Only 29 percent of ballots were returned. Voting this time is especially important with several controversial ballot measures and many Spokane City Council races.

The Spokesman-Review has chosen wisely in their endorsement of LaVerne Biel for Spokane City Council, District 2. A small business owner for over 20 years and a member, and former chair, of the East Spokane Business Association, LaVerne has seen what city government has done to support local businesses and enable them to provide the best working environment for employees and, unfortunately, what it has done that hurts these same businesses and discourages new ones from bringing jobs to Spokane.

For some time, our council has been leaning in the wrong direction. We need a better balance, but LaVerne’s opponent, a legislative aide to council members for seven years, will not bring this needed new perspective. Don’t be fooled by the lies of the “honest government” ads with firefighters trying to convince us otherwise.

Vote for LaVerne Biel. She will be a much-needed voice on the council, and will make decisions based on what is best for our community instead of following the current partisan agenda.

Gretchen McDevitt


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