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I-1401 is unnecessary

Initiative 1401 is bad law, unnecessary and continues a practice of moneyed and outside interests inserting themselves into Washington politics. It is already a violation of U.S. law to import or traffic in animal parts of species covered under the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species.

That means that at all ports of entry into the United States or anywhere within the borders of the U.S., covered animal parts, when found, are subject to seizure and the possessor subject to prosecution under the Lacey Act, 16 USC Section 3371 (18USC Section 42). As a federal special agent, I took part in a Lacey Act investigation here in Spokane.

Section 1 of I-1401 disingenuously states that because of increased poaching in other nations we need to expand state authority and regulate these markets on a local level. That is not necessary. Washington Wildlife Police hold federal U.S. Fish Wildlife commissions and have jurisdiction over federal violations, including the Lacey Act (Check their website).

The “national strategy” mentioned in Section 1 is an administrative action by President Obama that could change with a new president. Some people want that action codified into Washington law to make it permanent, but superfluous. Why?

Nicholas Whitney


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