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Taking guns not the answer

Is Charles Neill (Oct. 14) serious? In what way does the National Rifle Association abet terror? This is a single-issue organization, specifically to allow the common citizen to prevent an over-reaching government from taking our freedom.

When the founding fathers, who had just won a bloody war against an over-reaching government, wrote our Constitution, they chose the Second Amendment as the means to prevent such a takeover, and preserve our precious rights. Without the Second Amendment, there is no First Amendment.

I would respectfully suggest that he read some of the literature from the NRA to see for himself what the organization stands for, and not get his information from such unbiased sources as MSNBC and Bill Maher.

I agree with most of what Penny Watkins (Oct. 14) said. The problem isn’t the need for new laws, we have many on the books already. Most of the mass shootings have been committed with legally acquired guns stolen by the perpetrators. I honestly don’t know the answer, but I do know it is not taking guns from honest citizens.

Bob Baker


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