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ACA works for us

As a business owner since 1999, I agree with the friend Sue Lani Madsen cited (Oct. 31) who said the Affordable Care Act has been good. I share ownership with three partners, and we employ a staff of 15.

Since forming our firm, we have provided health insurance with coverage for dependents. Every year prior to the ACA, our costs went up beyond what was expected for inflation or other factors. Our response was to raise deductibles and co-pays, and to increase our annual insurance budget.

Since the ACA, our costs have leveled out. They have become predictable, and we have been able to add back benefits previously reduced. Last year, we were able to offer benefits that we never had.

As one reason to dismantle the ACA, Madsen suggests there is a rising trend toward serial career moves, but I don’t see it. In our business, we value long-term employees and the ability to compete for them by offering health care benefits to their families. Our low staff turnover is evidence they might value the same things.

The ACA is not perfect, but for companies like ours it is working. To start over is a bad idea.

Craig Conrad


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