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Doctor shortage a bigger crisis

Regarding “It’s time to start over on health insurance (Nov. 7)”: A bigger health crisis awaits America due to a shortage of physicians to treat patients. The recent lack of psychiatrists at Sacred Heart Medical Center is only the tip of the iceberg.

Predictions are that by 2025 we will be short by 90,000 physicians. Various non-physicians have suggested “opportunities” to correct the shortage, mostly focusing on cost containment, institutional needs and the use of lesser qualified staff. They don’t address the cause: the devaluation of physicians over the past 40 years. Insurers, government regulations, Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements and patients have all contributed.

As an example, Medicaid pays $9 to a physician for a follow-up office visit. Physicians have non-medical personnel, with less education and knowledge, telling them how to practice medicine. Government officials and organizations like the Joint Commission: Accreditation, Health Care, Certification who don’t practice medicine force regulations and costs on physicians.

They steal time from patients to support institution-centered, not patient-centered care. Also, patients want Cadillac care at Yugo prices. So students don’t choose medicine as a career. As a result, the field of medicine is losing many bright, talented and dedicated people. Regretfully, the real losers will be the patients.

Dennis Twigg


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