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“Good guy with a gun” notion not scary

Doug Floyd in a Nov. 7 letter wrote about the notion of a “good guy with a gun” calling it “scary.” Really? The logical extension of this argument is that Floyd, and many others, prefer the obviously certain scenario of a mentally ill individual or terrorist, armed with perhaps thousands of rounds of ammunition, being allowed to murder, unfettered, dozens or hundreds of innocent people in a gun-free zone.

If you ask me, that is scary. Scary, that anyone would accept the 100 percent certain horrific outcome resulting from the absence of a good guy with a gun rather than accept the risk of an accidental injury caused by someone defending themselves. I wager every person at Roseburg, whether dead or survivor, wish someone other than the murderer had a weapon that day.

Doug also ignores dozens of stories such as the Clackamas mall shooting where a good guy pointed his concealed weapon at the murderer, which may have caused the cowardly murderer to shoot himself. I would also wager the woman in Oklahoma, about to be beheaded, was glad her boss was a good guy with a gun when he shot the knife wielding terrorist.

David Barnes

Spokane Valley

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