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Fight for food labeling

An Aug. 2 letter from David Barker said solar and wind energy are a spoof, and that nuclear is a clean energy. What short-term memory he has concerning the Fukushima debris now polluting the Pacific Coast.

According to the January/February issue of Sierra Club magazine, through the first half of 2014, 53 percent of all new electric capacity installed came from solar power.

When will newspapers start telling us the truth and report what is important to Americans so we can play an active role in things we need to know? What a service you could provide by reporting on laws going through Congress that are illegal and unconstitutional, such as HR 1599, the Safe Food Labeling Act, a misleading title for a law that will take our liberties away by forbidding counties from suing Monsanto (as the city of Spokane is now trying to do), or preventing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from contaminating organic crops.

Please contact Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell to vote against this bill, which takes away our constitutional right to choose what foods we wish to put in our bodies.

Annie Griffin

Valley, Wash.

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