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Did Bush keep us safe?

Jeb Bush emphatically stated, “At least my brother kept us safe,” during the recent debate. Does anyone else remember New York and Washington, D.C., attacked during George Bush’s term of office? How safe did that stellar oversight keep anyone at Ground Zero?

Maybe Jeb felt safe, but Americans in the military and reserves watched as baseless accusations about WMD in Iraq fueled a war based on completely inaccurate presumptions, which sent safety flying out the window of Humvees racing toward a full-on war with people who never attacked anyone.

Does anybody feel safe now knowing that these mistakes bordering on deception from Bush’s administration fueled a seemingly never-ending jihad aimed at killing some more of us for what Bush ordered?

Lastly, Bush’s economic leadership led him to authorizing gargantuan financial bailouts while walking out the door that the U.S. and global economies are still trying to recover from. Maybe that big monthly presidential cash retirement package keeps Bush and family insulated, warm and safe, but how safe are the rest of us from all that he bumbled?

Is it possible Jeb’s interpretation of the meaning of “safe” embarrassingly shows his thinking is as accurate as big brother’s?

Frank Percy Jr.

Spokane Valley

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