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Missed mark on wolves

Rich Landers misses the mark on wolves yet again (“Put your own spin on Mount Spokane wolf photo,” Aug. 10). Landers claims he was offered the recently published trail camera photo of the wolf on Mt. Spokane over a month ago. Landers says he refused the offer because the owner of the photo would only release it if Rich promised to write “a positive article about wolves.”

Since when has Rich Landers written anything else? Feigning neutrality, Landers writes, “Those of us who think wolves are cool know that their existence must be tolerable to rural residents.” Really Rich? Define “tolerable.”

Tell us how many calves we can afford to lose, how many sheep we can tolerate seeing slaughtered, how many of our pets should we allow to be ravaged? Tell us how many moose and elk should be killed by wolves, or how many infectious diseases we should allow wolves to spread across the landscape?

Tell us what is an acceptable level of collateral damage that we must tolerate in order to balance your coolness factor?

Steve Busch


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