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Claim is half-cocked

Just in case some Trump supporters might believe that Hillary Clinton will eliminate the Second Amendment, as he continually states, I’d like to reassure them that no president, or Congress, or the Supreme Court can eliminate, change or add to the Constitution. I refer to Article V of this amazing document. Only three-fourths of all of the United States can change any part of it.

Trump’s remark that there is “nothing we could do” … “but maybe the Second Amendment people could” appears to be inciting Hillary-haters. I’d say Trump is snatching at straws by making such accusations. And she’s not lying when she states that she supports the Second Amendment and has no intention of taking away anybody’s guns. To want regulations on assault weapons is in no way eliminating guns.

(Obama was supposedly going to take away our guns. I still have mine. Do you still have yours? And there are now twice or three times as many guns in the populace as there ever was.)

Ron Boothe

Kingston, Idaho

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