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Trump has national support

I had occasion to watch a portion of “Anderson Cooper 360” on Nov. 30. There was an interview with Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Actually, instead of an interview, Sen. Warren was going into a diatribe over the evils of President-elect Trump and the Republicans in general. Finally, she was going on about Clinton’s lead of 2.6 million votes and Trump’s seeming lack of popular support.

The senator should take a closer look at the results of the popular vote. If you discount the results of California, Trump has a lead in popular votes of over 1.6 million from the remaining 49 states. I would consider that Trump does have nationwide popular support.

Regarding California, their 55 electoral votes are 10.22 percent of the national total. In 2016, the California votes cast in the national election was 10.19 percent of the total votes cast nationwide. So California’s votes were fairly and equitably accounted for in the electoral vote.

So what does this all suggest? Keep the Electoral College and don’t let the largest states dominate the process. Also, it seems that Donald Trump did have widespread national support.

William Sargent


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