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The new Brown Shirts

As President-elect Donald Trump continues to make his Cabinet known, it becomes obvious that he intends to disregard the promises he made to his voters. The cast of multi-millionaires (or more) should be alarming to our future concerns about the environment, education, health care, defense, etc.

Stay tuned because he will no doubt unleash his millions of Twitter followers on anyone who presumes to have a different opinion than his. This is already happening, in case it got by you. This can greatly harm people’s lives and their well-being when the crazies are unleashed.

The similarities to familiar past leaders and the way they came to power are too obvious. Hitler came to power through democracy and then used democracy to take over the country. We all know how this unfolded. The Trump presidency has been referred to by some as the beginning of the Fourth Reich. The “Twitter people” could be the foundation of Hitler’s Brown Shirts.

Larry Reid


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