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Sick leave cost-effective

I see The Spokesman-Review writes editorials that don’t support the new sick and safe leave policy, which passed the Spokane City Council 6-1 on Jan. 11. Your main reason is the cost of giving three to five days sick leave to each employee in the city of Spokane.

Well, think about these costs: Employees go to work rather than the doctor when sick, spreading the illnesses to customers and other employees who are not sick. Also, they could be aggravating physical injuries that are minor, turning them into major injuries, causing them to be treated for serious health problems that cost more money, resulting in higher medical insurance premiums.

Even with Obamacare, not everybody is insured, and may be going to emergency rooms, plus not being able to pay for their care, which is also often passed through as higher premiums. The more cost-effective way is to pass the sick/safe policy. You create a healthier, happier work atmosphere, as well.

John Alder


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