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Who will clear paths?

High Drive is a well-traveled road, not only by cars but by bikers, joggers and dog walkers. Last year, it was reconfigured to have bike paths and sidewalks. It was well-used after completion and still is busy, but not the way it was intended.

The homeowners keep their new sidewalks shoveled. The city-owned sidewalk above the parkland extending down the hill has been completely covered by the plows clearing the street. Not even snowshoers or skiers would attempt the jumble of frozen snow over the sidewalks.

Recently, in the dark, I was lucky to see and avoid two slender runners in their all black outfits. They were running toward me in the narrowed bike lane. If bikes need lights at night, ninja runners do also.

It makes one wonder if the city has thought through who would keep that proposed bridge from the Riverpoint Campus to Sprague Avenue cleared of snow. It would need to be done early and continue to be cleared during the day to be of use to pedestrians and bikers. Or, it could become the best place to ride toboggans since Indian Canyon closed the golf course to sledders years ago.

Fran Wicht


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