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See movie, do your duty

This last week my wife and I traveled to Spokane to watch the “13 Hours” Benghazi movie, a factual account of the events that surrounded the loss of two Navy Seals, our ambassador and the aide assigned to the Benghazi compound.

My challenge is to all that have served in our armed forces and given their oath to God, country and Constitution to view the movie and do your duty to get involved in our country’s selection of your next president. I honestly am not too impressed with the parties’ pick of the litters on either side.

Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are caught up in their petty bickering. Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar intent on destroying the Constitution and country that so many of my friends in the military have died for. Personally, I feel no one presently is smart enough to challenge our Constitution or Bill of Rights.

Leave the founders’ documents as written. Too often, our politicians and some first responders seem to forget that they too have given their oath to our Constitution, for life.

Dave Nagle

Evans, Wash.

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