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Volz a perfect fit

A state representative is perhaps the most challenging, underpaid and difficult elected position in Eastern Washington. It requires exceptional communication skills and the ability to decipher and manage a multi-billion dollar budget along with a majority of 97 other state reps.

A state representative needs to be attuned to the needs of the people of their district balanced with the needs of the state. This requires sound judgment and maturity only acquired from life experience. In all the years I’ve watched Spokane and Washington politics, I’ve never heard of a more qualified candidate running for the office of state representative than Mike Volz.

An Army veteran equipped with a CPA and MBA, Mike has lectured at Whitworth as well as served as Spokane County chief deputy treasurer for years. He is a certified expert on large government budgets with exceptional communication skills. His wife is a career teacher with Spokane Public Schools.

He is a perfect fit for state representative. No other candidate comes close to his experience or qualifications. I highly recommend we take this opportunity and send the very best to Olympia. Elect Mike Volz for state representative.

M.W. Monroe


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