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Don’t need Kasich, Cruz

Watching Ken Cuccinelli and Republican backers of Ted Cruz from Washington state act like a bunch of infants who had their rattles and pacifiers taken away is an embarrassment. Trump won 14 million Republican primary votes.

Do you really want more liberal Ginsburgs appointed to the Supreme Court? Well, just keep your Kasich and Cruz weeping to yourself. Donald J. Trump is our only last hope against the cultural garbage that is being crammed down our throats via the liberal media, courts and legislative assemblies. John Kasich is the worst spoiled brat I have ever seen.

Let’s make sure as Independents we hold the Republican Party accountable. Locally, the party has failed miserably. Remember George Nethercutt’s campaign pledge of term limits? Well it started with him breaking his promise and that has led to our disdain for the lies that the Republican Party and the Democrats keep perpetuating for our votes.

No more. Go Trump/Pence. Kasich/Cruz go home. We don’t need you.

Steve Hintyesz


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