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Trump rhetoric scary

Donald Trump’s idea to build a wall on the southern border to keep the people from Mexico and Central America from entering the country is nothing but thinking small. He should have suggested building a wall on the northern border to keep terrorists from coming from Canada.

But why stop there? He should have a wall built on the East and West coasts to keep the immigrants from entering seeking asylum. Then he could start cleansing this country of all the people who disagree with his vision. The people of different color, creeds, religious groups and ethnic groups. “To make America great again.”

But what really bothers me the most: If he becomes the president, he’ll be the commander in chief of the armed forces to have the capacity of launching a nuclear attack on any country he deems undesirable. It’s no wonder that his rhetoric scares the decent people of this country. So, Trump should think before he speaks.

A concerned American veteran.

John Wodynski


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