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Symbolism isn’t morality

My request to Brad DeLorme (Letters, April 25) is that he not hit me in the face when he flaps his angel wings about morality. He praises North Carolina and Mississippi for not giving into sin despite the divorce rate in the Bible Belt being higher than the liberal Northeastern states.

It appears that marriage in the South is between more than one man and one woman. Children from divorced couples often have two daddies and two mommies. If Brad really wants to comment on morality, why didn’t his letter address divorce and the abandonment of children?

As for North Carolina and Mississippi not giving into sin, Mississippi has the highest infant mortality rate and North Carolina is 42nd. Mississippi also has the highest teen pregnancy rate. Isn’t it interesting that states passing religious morality laws have the worst records and the most sin?

Morality can’t be created by laws. Religion hasn’t been very successful in making people moral even if “In God We Trust” is on our money. Nazi soldier’s belt buckles had the words “Gott Mit Uns” (God with us) written on top and the swastika is/was a religious symbol. Clearly symbolism doesn’t create morality.

Pete Scobby


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