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Typical Trump-bashing

The Trump-bashing May 3 column by Trudy Rubin (“Trump Doctrine a wake-up call”) was typical of language coming from the left.

Since Hillary is clearly Trudy’s candidate, I suppose she would be able to discuss all the great things Hillary would do regarding the worsening conditions of trade and the national debt. Oh, and all the powerful steps Hillary would take to make our country safe. I may have missed all that when Hillary was working for the Obama administration.

Trudy, like so many other ignorant liberals, is afraid that someone with no ties to Washington politics will shake her world up. She’s afraid to support someone other than a Washington insider, because her left-leaning ideas might get pushed aside for the sake of our country.

I would not know where to start with Trudy Rubin if I were to break down her fear-mongering remarks. She doesn’t think Americans have a grievance and she seems willing to stand by as we sink our kids with debt. She doesn’t understand what will happen to this country if we stay the current course. This is likely her biggest failure.

But Trudy, keep bashing Trump. It seems to be working.

Charles Blatner


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