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Valley citizens, get involved

Spokane Valley is in a sad place. City Councilmen Ed Pace, Sam Wood, Rod Higgins and Arne Woodard are taking us down a bad road. And, they will not tell citizens their plan. They fired our city manager and won’t tell us why. Spending huge tax dollars without votes or input from the people. Deaf ears.

Now, there are calls for a duplicate law enforcement oversight (surveillance?) committee. Our current certified law enforcement is excellent. But, this council has other ideas. What are they? They ran on a platform of public safety and told us we would remain a contract city. They want less government. Now, they want another layer of government which makes no sense unless it is about control. Power-hungry and controlling. Be afraid, be very afraid.

We have lost some very good people who care about our community. And, our law enforcement must now deal only with our protection, but with growing right-wing extremism.

Valley citizens, please get involved and help turn this wasteful and dangerous situation around by carefully watching who will fill this council, pointed or elected. Question and challenge their bullying. The next target of their “oversight” could be you.

Dale Cline

Spokane Valley

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