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Need sanctuary from guns

Recently KHQ news interviewed a gun-rights activist who wants to make Spokane Valley a sanctuary for Second Amendment proponents. A few hours afterward there was another mass shooting with the killing of five innocent people at a mall in Burlington, Washington. One, a 16-year-old girl who had survived cancer, along with a man protecting his wife from being shot and three other women.

Where is our sanctuary to be free from gun-rights fanatics who truss themselves up with assault rifles and every gun known to mankind? They open carry in large crowded public places. What guarantee does the public have that these Second Amendment fanatics are truly sane? Which ones are mentally impaired or have short fuses like the disgruntled lawyer in Texas with legally acquired guns with over a thousand rounds of munitions shooting at cars? Why are we being held hostage by Second Amendment fanatics and the NRA?

As a U.S. citizen, I support the Second Amendment, but I do not support the need for assault weapons. I want better background checks and proper training for all gun owners. Where is our sanctuary from gun violence?

Janet Smith


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