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Scrutiny is Trump’s fault

I believe the issue of Donald Trump’s misogyny will go from a low simmer to boiling over in the next few weeks as more egregious statements and graphic examples are brought to light. I also believe that Trump will once again attempt to obfuscate any and all allegations and redirect blame to the victims, liberal media bias or Hillary Clinton.

What it ultimately comes down to is Donald Trump has not lived his life anticipating the intense scrutiny that a U.S. presidential race would bring. What happens in Trump Tower might have stayed in Trump Tower, if Donald Trump had not submitted his whole life to the microscopic review that comes with entering the political realm.

That Trump will spend the next few months raging against the presidential election machine as a flawed and biased arena is a given; that he can’t or won’t admit that it is his own fault for throwing his dirty hat into the ring is pathetic.

Jennifer Adams


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