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Overhaul Supreme Court

Most folks get to live their lives without having to pay much attention to who is serving on their state Supreme Court. That’s a good thing. But it does make it a little difficult come ballot time to know who to vote for.

This year, we need a major overhaul. We need to remove Justices Yu, Madsen and Wiggins. These are justices who have seem to have lost track of their proper role within the system of checks and balances in our system and the Constitutions they are called upon to uphold.

Greg Zempel, David DeWolf and David Larson are three candidates who need our votes. Larson has emphasized that the “court needs to return to being a neutral and respected defender of the law and Constitution.” Zempel is running because he is “frustrated that the court has overturned long-standing precedents.” DeWolf understands his role and has said “…the strength of our form of government lies in the checks and balances that only work if each branch of government is faithful to its constitutionally assigned role.”

Please join me in an overhaul of our court and return to the proper balance of the three branches of government.

Cindi White


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