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Trump has improved

Early on in the 2015-16 presidential campaign trail, Donald Trump’s countenance, demeanor, speech and mannerisms were admittedly a little rough, and perhaps still are. But the improvement he has made over the months has been, to me anyway, impressive - so much that I believe he has a chance of becoming one of our nation’s all-time greatest presidents. For heaven’s sake, everyone, let’s start supporting and encouraging him.

People voted for Trump simply because they could not see how our nation could possibly survive four years of Hillary Clinton following in the wake of eight years of Barack Obama.

Well mercy me and golly gee, illegal immigrants being deported and our laws being enforced? People who entered our country illegally have none but themselves to blame for any plight they now face.

I agree there are significant differences betwixt illegal immigrants and refugees. But there are some impressive similarities too, just think on it a bit.

If illegal immigrants are such a bounty and blessing to us, well, then let’s change our laws and make it easier for them to get here and stay here. That what you want? Let’s get on with it then.

Dennis Roberts


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