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‘True Christian’ judgment

I am responding to Helen Garrett’s Dec. 13 letter. She claims to be a true born-again Christian and then states that Hillary Clinton is not a “true Christian.” As a “true Christian,” Garrett should have known that the Lord claims that judgment is his, not hers.

In my world, voting for Hillary was a Christian stance against beliefs and actions that our faith does not accept or condone. Against behavior that I believe with all my heart is not part of the Christian ethic. I voted for Secretary Clinton and against bigotry, against racism, against sexism, against misogyny, against destructive radicalism.

Amidst her pious judgment of Hillary, Garrett asked for a good explanation why Jesus would approve of Hillary’s beliefs and she would join the Democratic Party. The great thing about Jesus is that he freely gives unconditional love not approval. Clinton is a child of God. She was born of water and the Spirit through baptism and as Jesus told Nicodemus, that is how you “enter the kingdom.”

Here’s the explanation she asked for, but I am not the one to judge if the Democratic Party wants Garrett as a new member.

Chris Larson


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