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Men escape pro-life wrath

A tiny article, “North Idaho petition aims to outlaw abortion,” tucked in the corner of page B12 in the Jan. 1 paper sent a shiver down my spine. “Abolish Abortion Idaho” wants to charge people with first degree murder who either have an abortion or perform abortions, no exceptions. That includes anyone who aborts fetuses or terminates embryos. Although it rarely happens, first degree murder charges can culminate in the death penalty.

I have two suggestions for the AAI people: First, read the story about Jesus saving the woman who was about to be stoned to death for adultery. “Let those among you who are without sin cast the first stone.” Second, it’s finally time to put the onus on those who are responsible for most pregnancies that end in abortions - men who can’t control their sexual impulses and can’t or won’t take responsibility for the care of the children they spawn.

I recommend a petition calling for the castration of men who have a history of sexual irresponsibility and/or aggression.

Douglas Toland

Sagle, Idaho

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