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The Slice: Should we all just try to calm down?

Could you go a whole day without using exclamation points?

I’m told that is not possible if you are on Facebook.

But wouldn’t that punctuation mark be more effective if it were not quite so ubiquitous?

Sure. So what would be the best day to designate as No Exclamation Points Day in Spokane?

Status update: Theresa Salter shared this.

“My mom and I were shopping at Volunteers of America when I overheard a customer ask if it was seniors discount day. The clerk responded, ‘Yes, it is, are you ready to check out?’

“The customer responded, ‘No, I still have a lot of living to do.’ ”

Slice answer: The question was, if Mark Few saw you play at Hoopfest, would he inquire about your NCAA eligibility?

Curt Olsen thinks not. “He would most likely inquire about the availability of paramedic services.”

Presented without comment: The other day, The Slice posed a question that asked readers to recall underachieving kids who had to attend summer school back in the day. That prompted Newport’s Mark Brandt to ask a follow-up.

“Can you remember the last time your performance review WASN’T done by one of the kids that attended summer school?”

How to succeed in business: Rocky Curtiss worked for a small company located in a warehouse adjacent to a commercial chicken operation.

“It was of extreme importance to frequently check one’s coffee mug before taking a sip because it was common to find drowned flies floating in the dark drink.”

But sometimes people forgot to do that. So one time Rocky was talking to his boss when he took a sip of coffee and detected a foreign object enter his mouth.

“I immediately spewed it out onto my boss’s shoes.”

Turned out it was just coffee grounds. But the conversation was over.

Casting our net: Do your family archives include photographs of kids or pets in or near little toy wagons? Would you be willing to share those pictures with the Today section?

We would like to, well, you’ll see. But your assistance would be appreciated. Sending the pictures via email is fine. (Use my address below.) So is sending your wagon photos by regular mail.

Please be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Make certain to note a daytime phone number.

Not coincidentally, the Radio Flyer Little Red Wagon turns 100 this year.

Thanks in advance.

Today’s Slice question: If you asked the first person you encountered how long the Spokane River is, what would that individual say?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Getting to complain about the newspaper is free with your subscription.

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