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Somalia the same-old story

Regarding the Feb. 27 article in The Spokesman-Review, “Pentagon seeks broader role in Somalia fighting”: Here we ago again. The U.S. foreign policy (gunboat diplomacy) interfering in another country’s affairs. More billions and trillions of dollars to kill innocent people. We are stuck in so many conflicts around the world already (Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria). Now they are aiming at Iran. Is it because the government of Iran is switching from the oil dollar to a gold currency to pay for the oil? Hmm. Look what happened to Libya when they were ready to try the same thing.

Gee. I wonder why they are so interested in Somalia all of a sudden. Could it be that there is a massive amount of oil off the coast that is untapped (110 billion barrels)?

Oh yeah. I forgot that was the plan of the neocon warmongers, to destabilize the seven countries in that region (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran). No wonder people around the world despise the people in power that run the U.S. government.

As a veteran, I have the duty and responsibility to defend the Constitution against all foreign and domestic enemies.

John Wodynski


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