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Knezovich widens gap

Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich figures in a jarring combination front-page stories in the March 7 paper. On the one hand, we learn in a news story that the sheriff, challenged over his claim that president Obama emboldened people to assassinate police officers, is adopting President Trump’s technique of doubling down on a blatant, inflammatory falsehood.

On the other hand, Doug Clark’s column is an ill-conceived attempt to make light reading out of law enforcement and firearms. Clark gives us a jolly portrait of the sheriff as a master with handguns who has a .45 caliber SIG Sauer as his “Sunday go to meeting” weapon. The effect is completed by Kathy Plonka’s low-angle photo of the armed and stern Sheriff.

In the news story, the sheriff is quoted as believing President Obama blew a chance to “close the divide between law enforcement and the people.” Sheriff Knezovich, by his unmeasured political statements and participation in Doug Clark’s insensitive “crazy idea” for a column, is widening the very gap he faults President Obama for not closing.

William Siems


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