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ACA good for us

Our family, among millions of others, is not represented by Rep. McMorris Rodgers’ false assumptions and omissions in the savage health-care legislation hastily passed by the House. It will impoverish families like ours who have a child born with a severe disability and chronic health conditions (three open-heart surgeries to date).

Obamacare saved us with excellent and affordable care for our family of five during my husband’s recent layoff. Giving the wealthy and corporations huge tax breaks by taking away health care from vulnerable people with disabilities and low-income working people is disgraceful policy. Access to high-cost premiums is not health care. Eliminating the 10 essentials is not health care.

She omits mentioning cuts to Medicaid supports and services that have kept continue to keep our son and family afloat: childhood therapies (physical, speech, occupational), prescription drugs, employment supports through Long-Term Services and Supports, Medicaid Personal Care, Home and Community-Based Services.

The Medicaid cuts and caps proposed would be devastating. McMorris Rodgers would gut Medicaid and Medicare and pave the way to privatization and squalor for struggling families.

Julie Hauf


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