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What about Clinton, Obama?

This is regarding David Vogel’s Nov. 7 letter, “Hoping for Resignation.”

Mr. Vogel looks forward to Trump’s final wave while leaving the White House just like Richard Nixon’s wave.

What Nixon and his administration did is child’s play compared to the unfolding corruption being exposed about the Obama White House and crooked Hillary.

This train wreck of dysfunction and corruption Mr. Vogel talks about is not Trump, but Hillary and her Democratic Party. Why do people ignore what the Democrats have done and rip apart Trump from day one? Let us not forget about the impeached Bill Clinton, adulterer and abuser of women who was secretly doing the deed in our White House and also as Governor of Arkansas.

We thank Donna Brazile for finally exposing the Clinton’s true agenda. Now the Dems are gunning for Donna Brazile. Let’s all hang on! It takes a while to drain the swamp!

Helen Garrett


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