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Belief in government

After watching the election returns, a thought occurred to me that the old labels of Democrat and Republican aren’t useful. The losing candidates in Spokane Valley didn’t exactly identify themselves politically. Instead, they distinguished themselves as “do nothing good” politicians. Some who run believe in governing — that regulating things like pollution, drugs, food production and money in politics is a good thing. Others who run don’t really like government, don’t believe in it and actually work to sabotage it.

People who won locally and nationally seemed to show interest in how government can help. People have decided to support those politicians who can and want to do something to make our country better. It’s not a party thing. Have good friends from both parties who care about our country and its future with our children.

Look carefully at who you vote for. Will this person enhance your life and continue to work for your local and national community, or are they just upset about an issue and want to undo or block it? And most of all, does this person reflect your values? Would you like them in your family, or as an employee or boss?

Bruce Embrey


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