Lessons of the past
I find it interesting that as many of us are watching Ken Burns’ “The Vietnam War” film, we are once again conflicted over what it means to be patriotic. During our involvement in the Vietnam conflict, there were people opposed to our being there and especially the cost in human lives. The protests took many forms, some included the flag, and were often denounced as being unpatriotic – “love it leave it!”
These protesters were simply exercising their constitutional right to have an opinion that differed from the government. It seems a shame that 50 years later we are hearing some of the same divisive rhetoric when it comes to those who see the NFL players’ protests as only unpatriotic rather than as an exercise of their rights. With all of the turmoil going on around us, it is a shame that the occupant in the White House has chosen to promote division rather than using his position to inspire inclusion.
Let’s not forget the lessons from the past.
Jim Sledge