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Good book on climate change

Auntie’s Bookstore recently hosted a world-class scientist who has written about his bicycle trip across America. He took that trip to witness and discuss the effects of climate change. A handful of people showed up at Aunties.

David Goodrich gave a hopeful presentation but he shared two things that startled me. The western United States has seven times the number of wildfires per year now as in 1970. We are hotter, dryer and the fire season lasts several weeks longer.

Winter temperatures used to be cold enough to kill the pine bark beetle larvae in the Rocky Mountains. No longer. As a result, 40 million acres of forest are dead between Colorado and British Columbia.

My greatest concern is the politicization of this subject. This is not a liberal issue. Insurance companies know it. The Defense Department knows it. The Pentagon considers climate change a matter of national urgency. Auto manufacturers are proceeding with reduced emissions despite the presidential claim it is a “hoax.”

Americans are coming together to deal with the Texas flood. How much more do we need to unite in the face of climate change. We all breathe the same air.

David’s book is available at Aunties.

Larry Winters


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