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Shamed for pain relief

Every day we are bombarded with the “opioid crisis” in the USA, be it newspaper, television or radio. I don’t have my head in the sand regarding this issue, however, name me something that is not abused - i.e. alcohol, tobacco, food, soda, all the way up to and including Tylenol.

I came from a generation who worked for a living. Yes, good old-fashioned manual labor. We (the majority of us) did not have things given to us. I am not from the generations who don’t know how to work, and who will not work but sit on their butts playing video games night and day.

I recently had to change my physician (of 42 years) to a different one. My records show an almost 70-year-old woman who has been through about all life could hand her. Just for instance nine surgeries on the same leg, seven rotator cuff surgeries, neck fusion and stenosis of the spine; the list goes on. This new doctor made me feel like either an addicted old broad or a dealer. This shows she not only doesn’t trust me as a patient but also my prior doctor. She fails to discuss the research showing that doctors, nurses and other people in the profession hold the proud title of being the highest profession hooked on opioids.

Our illustrious president says “line them all up and shoot them all.” This comes from someone who had it all handed to him. Well, Donald, you better start with the front lines.

When someone is in pain that is documented, says they are in pain, the doctor’s job is to ease their pain, not make them feel ashamed for asking for relief.

Do they want to put our generation in the back alley too?

A proud baby boomer, not an addicted old broad.

Terry Munro


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