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Better fire investigations

As we continue with the fire season and the almost daily news articles and programs on the area fires, it is time the media starts reporting on the causes.

One article said 80 percent of the fires are human-caused. OK, who are these humans? The citizens should demand the responsible investigation agencies do a better job of investigation and reporting their findings. It appears we spend millions of dollars fighting the fires but inadequate effort to determine causes and holding people responsible for their actions.

Each time the media reports on a fire, they should also state where the investigation into the cause stands and continue to press the responsible agency for a report. A classic example is the Beacon Hill fire of August 21, 2016.

The last report I saw said the fire was under investigation. Really? A cloudless day, a steady wind from the southwest all day, and they don’t know where the fire started? I find this outrageous. That fire could have easily destroyed 200 homes and after two years it is still under investigation? The media is not exercising their responsibility if they continue to let the investigative agencies get by with “under investigation.”

Ronald Garrett


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