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Christians must participate

Franklin Graham challenged Christians in Spokane on Thursday to run for public office. He encouraged engaging the political process to right the nation from moral decline. Speaking during his Decision America Northwest Tour, Graham addressed a large crowd at the fairgrounds.

White reported in paragraph nine at the bottom of the article that Christians must participate in public life, or “…the opportunities they had when they were growing up may not exist when their children come of age.”

America is in spiritual trouble with corruption at the highest levels in public and private institutions.

Civics was a required course in my high school. There we learned basic structures of American government, as well as the role of citizens created by God with inalienable rights.

Have we forgotten the “citizen-politician” in our representative government?

We want men and women to serve with honesty and integrity in building and maintaining a healthy, prosperous, desirable America.

Franklin Graham, far from limiting those who run for public office, used his voice to encourage Christians to vote and to run for public office.

David Wallace


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