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True meaning of Christmas

Merry Christmas! These are words that helped ring in the holiday season ever since I was a child. Now, in my mid-‘50s, it seems like these words have become offensive to some. Public and private use of the term seems to have diminished over the last decade for fear of offending someone.

It’s strange that this term is associated with Santa Claus when the holiday itself was never meant to be commercialized like it now is. The true meaning was about gift giving, but the gift given was a gift to the world. A gift that cannot be purchased but was and still is given freely to those who truly believe in the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the man who willingly gave his life to redeem our world. Jesus Christ, the man who history records as the true hero of humankind. Jesus Christ, the man who conquered death. From His birth to His death to His resurrection He was known as being something special.

Whether you believe in Him or not is a personal choice, but let’s always remember the fact is Jesus Christ is the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

Harold Cossette

Spokane Valley

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