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Waving the bloody shirt

I am waving a bloody shirt for Sue Lani Madsen (“The bloody shirt offers us a lesson,” Dec. 30). It will be bloody if her tribe illegalizes abortion and women use coat hangers instead of medical clinics. The shirt is bloody because a man legally bought a gun and killed dozens of people in their church.

Madsen’s fake news censorship is real, as I can’t imagine any government scientist or official who would use words in a report that would end his career. The leader of Madsen’s tribe is the biggest generator of fake news with his daily tweets and claims of greatness.

Madsen might find a smaller bloody shirt on a child in Syria that we bombed out of his house because his parents belong to the wrong political or religious tribe. We also have millions of poor American children who will have bloody shirts once successful food and medical programs are ended.

So I wave the bloody shirt for Madsen so she will think about the consequences of winning social, political and religious battles and wars. Your wins leave behind many bloody shirts worn by innocent people who are victims of your wars on everything your tribe opposes.

Pete Scobby


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