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The Slice: Maybe don’t read this if you are having breakfast

What better way to start off a Monday than with a tale of throwing up?

Or at least pretending to throw up.

Paul Galli shared this after The Slice asked for memorable stories involving fake vomit.

“In 1967, I was part of a group of Air Force Academy cadets traveling from the academy to San Antonio, Texas, for an official event.”

The cadets were in a four-engine propeller powered transport. “The turbulence was awful, enough to make even us aspiring pilots queasy.”

Barf bags were handed out. Just in case.

On one side of Paul sat a freshman who was looking pale. On the other side of him were two juniors who saw an opportunity to pull a prank.

Opening their lunch boxes, the older cadets fed pieces of lettuce, bread, and fried chicken into a barf bag, along with some chocolate milk.

“One held the bag between his knees and made an Oscar-worthy performance of getting sick into his bag.”

As the queasy freshman looked on in horror, the other junior cadet turned to his accomplice and said, “Hey, that looks good!”

He then grabbed the bag, held it up for others to see, and downed the contents.

“Yes, my queasy friend turned white and lost it, literally. Ah, great memories.”

Re: Defining “counterculture” in Spokane: “I am so counterculture,” wrote Michele Dailey, who has lived here for 40 years. “Not only do I not golf (tried it once, so boring except for the drinking beer in the golf cart part), I also don’t ski or snowboard (tried each once, not my thing), and I dislike hockey. My friends always ask how I could have been raised here and NOT be into any of those. I did, however, grow up near Manito Park and would pit my sledding skills against anyone out there.”

Slice answer: “I’d like to suggest that Spokane is definitely more like a dog than a cat,” wrote Suzanne Harris. “We love exercise, whether it’s running along trails, paddling in the water at the lake, or just running in circles. We like to get in our cars and drive somewhere. We like good food, and we enjoy socializing. And when we’ve done all that, we enjoy curling up in front of a warm fire or stretching out on a lounge in the sun to recuperate. But our enthusiasm is never exhausted. Oh, and we’re pretty tolerant – even of people who don’t see the advantage of our lifestyle.”

Today’s Slice question: How often do you find that you knew someone in the SR obits?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Some people never stopped playing board games.

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