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Distractor in chief

May I gently assert that you’ve been had by the distractor in chief, again? While you flexed your righteous indignation about federal child abuse at the Mexican border, you forgot the president’s polite pandering to the grandest human rights offender of the 21st century, which distracted you from our complicity in the latest lethal over-reactions of the Gaza patrol - scores of families shattered for clinging to dreams of going home.

That was a great distraction from the humanitarian disaster that seems to have no ceiling, although most Americans are uninformed of the mass murder of poor Yemenis by rich Saudis. If you don’t know that our Fairchild heroes are there to back the prince, warn Iran and comfort Netanyahu, don’t worry. They don’t know, either.

There are so many distractions, in fact, our local news institutions failed to tell us our U.S. senators have approved spending over $20 billion on nuclear weapons, which are more likely to kill us than any real or imagined enemies. Keep watching the backs of tormented refugees, but don’t forget to help Spokane officials resist preparations for the ultimate and final war crime.

Rusty Nelson


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