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An honest alternative

President Trump has created what is arguably the most dishonest, unethical administration since Mad King George ruled the colonies.

Standing proudly amid the chaos is our Washington state Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

CMR has done nothing to curb the Trump administration’s lies and unethical waste of tax dollars.

What’s worse is that she has actively supported legislation that endangers you and your future.

When Trump wanted to make it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns, Cathy voted “Yes!”

When a bipartisan bill to safeguard your Social Security and Medicare benefits came up, Cathy voted to kill it.

When Congress wanted to make it harder for the Trump family to hide their conflicts of interest, Cathy voted “No!”

That’s right, CMR wants mentally defective people to own firearms, wants to take away your Social Security and Medicare and is willing to tolerate unethical behavior.

Elected representatives like CMR are administrative corruption “enablers.” They ignore the sleazy, unethical behavior endemic in Washington, D.C.

Isn’t it time to flush the corruption enablers? Isn’t it time for an honest alternative to Cathy McMorris Rodgers? Isn’t it time for Lisa Brown?

Paul Oman

Clarkston, Washington

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