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Owning our evils

Many of us who work in infant mental health are pushing for a formal psychiatric diagnosis of “developmental trauma.” That is what happens when traumatic events turn joyful and secure development into what the child experiences as pure, lasting terror.

This is what is happening along our southern border as children are separated from their parents. Developmental trauma has long term effects. Both the children and the adult society in which they grow up in will pay a heavy price.

Sickeningly, the central reason - as provided by the attorney general last month - is to create examples to discourage other asylum seekers. Once again, brothers and sisters, we see evil using our flag to disguise itself. Children should not be used as hostages - here or elsewhere. This practice is now ours - all of ours. We are doing it. We own it. Separating children from parents needs to be labeled for what it is: evil.

That is not who we are.

Gene Christian


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