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Women’s power in unity

The letter from Andrea Stewart (“Many women left out in the cold,” March 6) saddened me.

Last year, I was at the first Women’s March. Afterward, I read an essay from a conservative woman who didn’t attend for the same reasons that Ms. Stewart describes. I reached out to her, and now we both have a new friend, who is treated with dignity and respect even through disagreements. There are things we as women need to get done, even though we differ on some or many issues. Importantly, we cannot let anyone divide us or convince us to demonize one another. Women of every ethnicity, religion, color, political persuasion and gender identity have more power together than apart.

I’m giving the newspaper permission right here and now to share my contact information with Ms. Stewart if she asks for it. I want us to walk together in this year’s march for the things we jointly and separately believe in, and demonstrate to so-called “leaders” that, honey, you ain’t the boss of us, because to us all our sisters are worthy. I challenge every other march participant to reach out to someone outside their bubble and do the same.

Jackie McCowen-Rose


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